Be the Dreamer, Be the Catcher


May this Energetic Activation serve you well

How these words can serve you

Words hold frequencies.

Frequencies hold consciousness updates and emotions.

If you are in a place where you can talk out loud, feel free to give voice to the written text.

Take a couple of deep breathes, relax and soak up the wisdom of this piece by listening to your beautiful voice reading it.

Each Activation comes from Higher Guidance.

This Energy Activation is intended for all Light-Souls dreaming about making a better world through their Work.

Keywords of Energy Activation #14

• Timing

• Aligned Business

• Creativity

• Vision

• New Earth Leaders

• Yin & Yang

* energetic activation start *

You are here to make things Beautiful, 

More beautiful, and you know exactly how. 

You know how “more beautiful” would look like. 

You are providing a service to Humanity by cultivating 

Your ability to stand in righteousness 

When the quick(ier) and dirt(ier) way looks tempting. 

We can always reach for a faster result, 

Without doing the work that is required to get 

To that result. 

Think of pizza. 

You can have a frozen one which is ready in 5 minutes 

Turning the oven on high, 

Or… you can make the dough. 

The best taste and most digestible pizza dough 

Would require a process of 24h. 

5 minutes or 24 hours. 

Think about your Soul-Aligned Business. 

5 months or 24 months. 

Reaching the same end result (or looking similar from the outside), 

In 5 months time or in 24 months time:

less than half a year VS. 2 full years. 

Where would you stand? 

What is this awakening in you

About the pace you are striving to have in your

Self-made business?

Do you think that your business is separate from your Spiritual & Life experience? 

What would 5 months of meditation do on your mind, 

And  what would 24 months of the same habit do?

The “Flow” of your Intuitive, Heart-led business 

Is not always fast. 

Being in the flow doesn’t mean fast results. 

The flow of Life is made of seasons and tides. 

They have different rhythms and each of the phases

Is essential to create an equilibrium,

To sow, seed, bloom, grow and reproduce. 

What is your current rhythm influenced by?

Do you feel like you are running, 

Or walking too slow?

Your sacred work is essential to the world

only if you make it so. 

When your whole awareness starts seeing that 

The intensity of your Dream 

Will define the broadband of your Catcher…

Then you are moving at the right pace.


When you are an impactful CEO or Soul-led entrepreneur 

You are both the Dreamer and the Catcher. 

You need to catch your dreams, 

Meaning you need to embody, withhold and sustain 

Your own end-result Vision 

In short, medium and long term. 

How are you deciding to build your business? 

How blissful and easy 

Are you allowing the process to be

Why would you expect the work you love 

(and that you are born to do) to be hard and competitive? 

Why wouldn’t you choose to hold a different dream

For yourself?

Just out of Love for yourself 

And Gratitude for the mission that has been sowed 

In your Heart. 

When people are surrounded by all the resources they need, 

They walk at the correct pace for them. 

How fast, how slow, it doesn’t matter. 

The journey is yours only to savour

* energetic activation end *


Looking for more Guidance?




Stop complaining (Letter to your Confused Mind)