

A combination of Energy Psychology Techniques, Quantum Kinesiology (remote), Counseling, Coaching and Spiritual Guidance. 

100% online. 99.5% effective.

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Your medicine is so potent you powerful Goddess! The work from our sessions is still running deep within the current of my subconscious. It’s been emerging into my conscious daily life in some fascinating ways. It’s clear to me that my work at this moment is to anchor and embrace my self-empowered self love.

I’m on the threshold of a huge life leap that feels interwoven and integral to a new and expanded life chapter. Much of this stems from the insights you brought to me through our sessions.

I am in awe. Thank you for your service dear one! 🙏🏻 Your medicine is needed in these times of massive mutation in humanity’s beingness.

I am grateful 💜


Let’s get honest: everybody who becomes a coach has gone through some hardship. 

For me, it was a holistic Healing & Expansion journey that started late in my teens and continues up to today. 

The promise of the industry of personal development is to “help you build the life you want” and that, with the right mind training, you can “manifest anything you want in your life, whenever you want it”. 

I openly do not agree with those views, ‘cause I have a much more holistic view on Life and personal development. 

When you set yourself up to reaching some goals, what you are doing is actually sending out a prayer to the Universe to learn to love yourself more. 

No matter the type of goal, or its size. 

If it is there for you to be ‘achieved’ it means that in that process of realising the goal, you are going to expand your consciousness, heighten your spiritual predisposition and emotionally and physically heal much more than you thought possible.

Goals, whether business, money, health or relationships, are there to activate your Higher Potential of Love and your natural ability to co-create with the Universe safely and abundantly. 

I offer Quantum Coaching only in 1:1 settings, whether single sessions, packages or premium programs. 

I have a wealth of knowledge in different somatic, energy psychology, energy readings, shamanic medicine and more linear coaching techniques. 

Each and every individual has a unique story and a unique access way to tap into their transformative potential. 

That’s why my programs are 100% tailored, heart-based and effective. 


As a highly sensitive myself,

most people who seek out my Guidance are on the Highly Sensitive Spectrum and/or highly Empathic. 

And they suffer. 

Like I was suffering. 

Emotional suffering is silent, especially when you find yourself in an environment where you cannot safely express it. It is nonetheless painful, confusing, life-altering and life-limiting in great measure. 

I soon found out that to completely resolve my emotional suffering (which was related to some physical chronic symptoms) I needed to become in charge of my emotions (therefore of my vibrational frequency, my thoughts and my actual wants), but coaching was not ”transformative” enough. 

It is the deep emotional and energetic healing that allows to clear out the clutter from the unconscious, therefore it brings forward the alignment with your Spiritual Self, that will actually allow things to move in your Life.

When I was trained as a Life & Business Coach back in 2017, I instantly fell in love with it, I believe because it is something that comes to me very naturally.

But I felt that in and of itself it was too shallow and left-brain predominant.

Luckily, Higher Guidance had other plans for me though when they sent me on a 15 years long healing journey (including healing from chronic IBS, stomachache and Borderline Personality Disorder) so that I could encounter, apply on myself, study and then master some deeper transformative techniques and processes. 

The result of all my studies and knowledge, from the more physical neuro-biological approach to the more etheric and energetic one, is what is comprised in my 1:1 tailored Quantum Coaching Sessions. 

Coaching didn’t heal me and didn’t get me design the Life I dreamt of. 

Quantum coaching did. 

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My experience was amazing besides being so nice & giving me a very warmly feeling you were almost always available 

You didn’t push me into things that I didn’t want to be. 

When you felt you needed to tell me something you didn’t hold back & sometimes you just put in logic to help me out.

Y. F.

2024 Pricelist

Prices for the Quantum Coaching service may vary depending on what the person needs. They start from 38€ for a 25’ Mini Session (that you can book straight away here to test my method) to 1:1 premium intensive programs.

If you are considering Quantum Coaching, the best place to start from is booking a Mini Session directly with Sara Francesca.